
FOAM offers volunteer opportunities, such as helping at special events, removing invasive plants, staffing the information desk at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center, and leading tours at the Marsh. There is a volunteer opportunities brochure posted on our website at http://arcatamarshfriends.org/reports/volbrochure-web.pdf.  

Staffing Interpretive Center

Interpretive Center staff person Carmen Sahagun is the person who trains volunteers how to staff the Interpretive Center desk, mainly during 4-hour shifts on weekends (9 am-1 pm or 1-5 pm). She trains on a one-on-one basis during weekdays at a time convenient for you (takes about 30 minutes). The City requires volunteers to be at least 18 years old, to fill out paperwork, and to get fingerprinted (at City expense) before interacting with Interpretive center visitors. To find out more, call (707) 826-2359 or e-mail amic@cityofarcata.org.

Leading Marsh Tours or Serving as a Roving Naturalist 

We currently train our docents (tour leaders) via a mentor system, where those interested are given a notebook of background information, then “shadow” an experienced leader on at least 2 tours. FOAM offers tours every Saturday at 2 pm for 90 minutes, plus volunteers lead special-request tours for groups (e.g., school kids, seniors) on weekdays. If you are interested in getting docent training, please e-mail Elliott Dabill at edabill@me.com or call him at (707) 502-5080. The City requires volunteers to be at least 18 years old, to fill out paperwork, and to get fingerprinted (at its expense) before interacting with tour participants. In 2022, FOAM initiated a program of Roving Naturalists, where trained docents walk the Marsh, usually on weekdays, to engage visitors in conversation and answer any question they may have. The naturalists wear a special vest with a name tag and carry informational brochures/maps. Most go out once a month, on a day of their choosing. E-mail edabills@me.com for more information.

Invasive Plant Workdays & Native Plant Garden Maintenance

FOAM and the City of Arcata jointly sponsor several invasive plant work days each year. If you are interested in participating, call (707) 826-2359 or e-mail amic@cityofarcata.org. If you are interested in joining the volunteer roster to weed, water, and otherwise maintain the native plant garden in front of the Interpretive Center on an intermittent basis, please e-mail sueleskiw1@gmail.com to be put on the call list.

Special Events

FOAM occasionally needs help tabling special events in the community. One of our big special events is in April. FOAM’s involvement in the Godwit Days festival involves hanging student bird art at the Arcata Community Center, sponsoring free family nature craft activities, staffing an information table, and providing help for the opening reception. Please e-mail sueleskiw1@gmail.com if you would like to be on call for community tabling.