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Marsh tour

Meet Barbara Reisman at the Interpretive Center on South G Street for a 90-minute tour of the Marsh. Loaner binoculars available with photo ID. For more information, call (707) 826-2359.

Special holiday walk

Meet Jane and Richard Wilson at the Klopp Lake parking lot at the foot of South I Street. All ages and walking speeds are welcome. Rain cancels. Snow, too!!

Marsh tour

Meet Milt Boyd at the Interpretive Center on South G Street for a 90-minute tour of the Marsh. Loaner binoculars available with photo ID. For more information, call 707-826-2359.

Slower-speed Marsh tour

The monthly slower-speed Marsh tour is offered to those who love the Marsh and want to enjoy it at a slower pace than on regular Saturday tours. The tour will last 45 to 60 minutes across even, level ground and is suitable to attendees of all ages. Meet Jane and Richard Wilson at the first […]

New Year Ramble

Welcome in the New Year with a nature ramble through the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary. Meet leaders Jane and Richard Wilson on Friday, January 1 at 10 a.m. on South I Street in the first parking lot south of Samoa Boulevard. For more information, call 707-826-235

Marsh tour

Meet Elliott Dabill at the Interpretive Center on South G Street for a 90-minute, docent-led tour of the Marsh. Loaner binoculars available with photo ID. For more information, call (707) 826-2359.

Marsh tour

Meet Leslie Anderson at the Interpretive Center on South G Street for a 90-minute, docent-led tour of the Marsh. Loaner binoculars available with photo ID. For more information, call (707) 826-2359.

Board meeting

The FOAM board of directors meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center.

Lecture series: Edible & medicinal plants

Jane Bothwell will speak at the Interpretive Center about locally found edible and medicinal plants. Jane, a practicing herbalist and educator, is director of the Dandelion Herbal Center in Kneeland, Calif.  

Marsh tour

Meet Milt Boyd at the Interpretive Center on South G Street for a 90-minute, docent-led tour of the Marsh. Loaner binoculars available with photo ID. For more information, call (707) 826-2359.