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2022 Student Bird Art Show at Interpretive Center

  2022 Student Bird Art Booklet Copies of winning artwork from the 19th annual Student Bird Art Contest are on display at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center. The contest, cosponsored by Friends of the Arcata Marsh and Redwood Region Audubon Society, received 656 entries from K-12 students throughout Humboldt County. Those who received cash prizes […]

Duck Teapot Auction

Friends of the Arcata Marsh (FOAM) is holding an on-line Duck Teapot Auction. Thirty-one handcrafted, ceramic duck teapots created by Michael Harris in remembrance of his father, HSU wildlife professor Dr. Stanley Harris, will be up for bid. Species available are teal, merganser, pintail, canvasback, ruddy duck, long-tailed duck, redhead, black duck, and common goldeneye. […]

National Trails Day

Humboldt Trails Council celebrates trails with information booths at Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center (also at Hikshari' Trail and Bay Trail North). Visit Humtrails for more information.

Humboldt Pet Supply Monthly Marsh Clean-ups

From now until October 15, our G Street neighbor is sponsoring pet waste/trash clean-ups at the Arcata Marsh every third Saturday. Stop by the store at 145 G Street to pick up supplies, then walk the Marsh at your leisure, picking up waste. Bring everything back to HPS by 4 pm to be weighed. Visit […]

Become a Board member by Friday!

Interested in taking your FOAM involvement to a new level? Run for our Board of Directors. It’s a 3-year term beginning in October 2022. See the attached application form for details. (You must be a current member of FOAM to run.) FOAM Board Application

FOAM Annual Meeting

AMIC 569 South G St, Arcata, CA, United States

Lunch, annual report, Bird of the Year and Volunteer of the Year Awards. In person, at AMIC

King Tide Tour

Meet docents Elliott Dabill and Barbara Reisman at the first parking lot on South I Street (off from Samoa Boulevard).

Thanksgiving Morning Ramble

Docents Alex Stillman and Jean Santi will lead FOAM’s 22nd annual Thanksgiving Morning Ramble at the Marsh, 90-minute leg-stretcher before your big dinner. Meet in front of the Interpretive Center at 10 am

Christmas Day Tour

Meet docents Ken Burton and Paul Johnson for a Christmas Day tour, 10 am at the Interpretive Center.