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Godwit Days

Arcata Marsh Docent Training

If you are interested in managing the front desk at Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center (AMIC); being a Roving Naturalist; or guiding weekly Saturday tours, thematic tours, or school groups, here is your opportunity to train with experts and practitioners. A four-day series of workshops on two consecutive weekends will get you out on the trails, […]

King Tide Tour

Friends of the Arcata Marsh will offer a special King Tide Tour at the Arcata Marsh.  Meet leaders Elliott Dabill and Barbara Reisman on South I Street, in the first parking lot in from Samoa Boulevard (across from the “green wall”). Learn what makes the tides so much higher than normal; the increases expected as […]

Aldaron Laird Lecture on Sea Level Rise in Humboldt Bay

Our monthly evening lecture series resumes with local sea-level-rise-expert and photographer Aldaron Laird. Meet in the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center, or join by Zoom (access published in local newspapers).

Pints for Nonprofits Fundraiser for Godwit Days

The Pub at the Creamery (824 L St, Ste A, Arcata). Pints for Nonprofits Fundraiser for Godwit Days. $1 from every beer, cider, kombucha, or soda (not wine) sold will be donated to the nonprofit Godwit Days organization. Some festival trip leaders and Godwit Board members will rendezvous at 5 p.m.

Jerry Rohde Lecture

April 3rd, Jerry Rohde Zoom link to Jerry Rohde lecture    

2024 Humboldt Bay Symposium

Thursday-Saturday, April 11-13, Sequoia Conference Center (901 Myrtle Ave, Eureka). FOAM is a sponsor of the 2024 Humboldt Bay Symposium, which is convened every two years to provide the public an opportunity to hear directly from experts about the latest developments on a variety of timely topics related to Humboldt Bay including: scientific research, ecological restoration, […]

Godwit Days

Arcata Community Center There’s still time to register for field trips and other events that are part of this year’s Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival ( FOAM continues its long-time involvement in the festival with the following activities: ·         Opening Reception (organizer). FOAM volunteers will be serving drinks (and washing the glasses!) starting at 5 pm […]

Sea Level Rise Planning with David Loya

Join Arcata’s Community Development Director David Loya to hear about City initiatives to address sea level rise planning. The presentation is part of the First Wednesday Lecture Series sponsored by Friends of the Arcata Marsh. His 1-hour talk will be held at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center starting at 7 p.m., followed by a Q&A […]

Tour of Native Plant Garden

During this rain-or-shine, 90-minute tour, Elliott Dabill will concentrate on the native plant garden in front of the Interpretive Center, using a plant reference guide developed by AMIC staff Carmen and Neysa. The flowers are starting to bloom, so come revel in their beauty!

Second Sunday Cycling Tour of the Arcata Marsh

Meet Every Second Sunday at Marsh Interpretive Center Led by FOAM Board member and intrepid bicyclist Andy Feinstein. This 90-minute tour will focus on the “Three W’s of the Marsh”: wetlands, wildlife, and wastewater treatment. Andy plans to ride around the perimeter of the facility (not entering the Corp Yard), including the head works, treatment […]

Medicinal Plant Walk of the Arcata Marsh with Neysa Budzinski

Neysa will begin in the native plant garden, in front of the Interpretive Center, to discuss many of the herbs found there, then go for a walk in the Marsh to learn about native and non-native medicinal plants. Free of charge. All ages welcome No prior registration is required 569 South G Street, Arcata CA […]

King Tide Tour

Join FOAM docent Elliott Dabill at the gravel parking lot on I Street (across from the green wall) to view and learn about King Tides.

Nature Journaling Tour

Join FOAM docent Lynn Jones at the Interpretive Center to learn about and practice keeping a Nature Journal. Bring a portable chair, a journal, and writing/drawing tools. Rain cancels.

Thanksgiving Tour

Join FOAM docents Paul Johnson, Ren Bunshin, and Jenny Hansen for a walk before your feast! Meet at the Interpretive Center.

eDNA Lecture

Alec Bauer will present his research about eDNA at the Interpretive Center.

Second Sunday Cycling

Join FOAM docent Andy Feinstein at the Interpretive Center with your bike and helmet for a bike tour of the marsh. Rain cancels.

Nature Journaling

AMIC 569 South G St, Arcata, CA, United States

Join FOAM docent Lynn Jones to learn about and practice keeping a Nature Journal. Bring a portable chair, journal, and writing/drawing tools. Rain cancels.

New Years Day Tour

AMIC 569 South G St, Arcata, CA, United States

Join FOAM docents Paul Johnson and Ren Bunshin for a marsh tour to ring in the new year!

Second Sunday Cycling with Andy Feinstein

AMIC 569 South G St, Arcata, CA, United States

Bring your bike and helmet, meet at AMIC for an informational ride through the Marsh. Rain cancels.

Last Sunday Nature Journaling with Lynn Jones

AMIC 569 South G St, Arcata, CA, United States

Bundle up and bring a chair and materials to write, draw, paint, or simply observe nature in various locations in the Marsh. Meet at AMIC to walk to location. Rain cancels.