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Humboldt Pet Supply Monthly Marsh Clean-ups

From now until October 15, our G Street neighbor is sponsoring pet waste/trash clean-ups at the Arcata Marsh every third Saturday. Stop by the store at 145 G Street to pick up supplies, then walk the Marsh at your leisure, picking up waste. Bring everything back to HPS by 4 pm to be weighed. Visit […]

Become a Board member by Friday!

Interested in taking your FOAM involvement to a new level? Run for our Board of Directors. It’s a 3-year term beginning in October 2022. See the attached application form for details. (You must be a current member of FOAM to run.) FOAM Board Application

FOAM Annual Meeting

AMIC 569 South G St, Arcata, CA, United States

Lunch, annual report, Bird of the Year and Volunteer of the Year Awards. In person, at AMIC

King Tide Tour

Meet docents Elliott Dabill and Barbara Reisman at the first parking lot on South I Street (off from Samoa Boulevard).

Thanksgiving Morning Ramble

Docents Alex Stillman and Jean Santi will lead FOAM’s 22nd annual Thanksgiving Morning Ramble at the Marsh, 90-minute leg-stretcher before your big dinner. Meet in front of the Interpretive Center at 10 am

Christmas Day Tour

Meet docents Ken Burton and Paul Johnson for a Christmas Day tour, 10 am at the Interpretive Center.

New Year’s Day Tour

Meet docent Lynn Jones for a New Year’s Day tour, 10 am at the Interpretive Center.

King Tide Tour (No regular 2:00 tour that day)

Meet Friends of the Arcata Marsh leaders Elliott Dabill and Barbara Reisman at 10 a.m. on South I Street, in the first parking lot south of Samoa Boulevard. Learn about what makes these tides so much higher than normal, what sea level increases are expected, and what that means for Humboldt Bay. This tour will […]

20th Annual Bird Art Contest

Please go to for details and special information about submission rules. Submissions due by March 18, 2023

Little Free Wildflower Art Gallery

The little art exchange galleries are part of the California Native Plant annual Wildflower Show. The Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center will have its own little gallery. Come see the art, and bring your own to exchange. Little Free Wildflower Art Gallery locations

Godwit Days

Arcata Marsh Docent Training

If you are interested in managing the front desk at Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center (AMIC); being a Roving Naturalist; or guiding weekly Saturday tours, thematic tours, or school groups, here is your opportunity to train with experts and practitioners. A four-day series of workshops on two consecutive weekends will get you out on the trails, […]

King Tide Tour

Friends of the Arcata Marsh will offer a special King Tide Tour at the Arcata Marsh.  Meet leaders Elliott Dabill and Barbara Reisman on South I Street, in the first parking lot in from Samoa Boulevard (across from the “green wall”). Learn what makes the tides so much higher than normal; the increases expected as […]

Aldaron Laird Lecture on Sea Level Rise in Humboldt Bay

Our monthly evening lecture series resumes with local sea-level-rise-expert and photographer Aldaron Laird. Meet in the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center, or join by Zoom (access published in local newspapers).

Pints for Nonprofits Fundraiser for Godwit Days

The Pub at the Creamery (824 L St, Ste A, Arcata). Pints for Nonprofits Fundraiser for Godwit Days. $1 from every beer, cider, kombucha, or soda (not wine) sold will be donated to the nonprofit Godwit Days organization. Some festival trip leaders and Godwit Board members will rendezvous at 5 p.m.

Jerry Rohde Lecture

April 3rd, Jerry Rohde Zoom link to Jerry Rohde lecture    

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